2022-2023 DCPLA Winner Announced

What a wonderful evening of performances by 2022-23 Daly City Youth Poet Laureate finalists, 2021-22 Daly City Youth Poet Laureate Madeleine Hur, and DCPLA Director and San Mateo County Poet Laureate Aileen Cassinetto!

Even Daly City Mayor Dr. Rod Raña Daus-Magbual got in on the act, sharing one of his own poems, right before he announced 2022-23 Daly City Youth Poet Laureate Chloe Chou and First Runner-up Hanna Docampo Pham!

DCPLA is extremely grateful for our community's support for our Daly City Youth Poet Laureate Program. Thank you to all of our friends who attended and those who watched online. Missed the show?

You can watch the video here: https://fb.watch/cH_H6MsUFo/